Sunday, September 23, 2012

Manifesto Ultimatum: Day 12

Post your favorite commercial ever and something people seem to compliment you on.

Ok this is the best version I could find on YouTube. I like it a lot.

People compliment me on....? This is slightly awkward, but then again, I am the one who made the challenge, so I have no room to talk.

People like my teeth. Me too.

Also, I have a teeth fetish. And yes I just said fetish and it's fine. It's the first thing I notice on someone. I can tell you right now what any of my friends teeth look like. I could probably draw them. Sometimes, I secretly wish I had crooked teeth, ya know? They've got character. Seriously, aske me sometime and I'll just list off my favorite people with favorite teeth. Teeth people.

Who says I can’t get stoned?
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me in my house alone
Who says I can’t get stoned?

Who says I can’t be free?
From all of the things that I used to be
Rewrite my history
Who says I can’t be free?

Manifesto Ultimatum: Day 11

A book and a movie you love.

East of Eden is perfect.
James Dean for one thing. If you're kind of a fiend like me, then watching this movie will make your jaw drop at brilliance of the man. He literally is flawless and the rest of the cast is actually perfect too. But honestly, I could watch this movie a million times. The story is so good and when Cal takes the money that he made to his father and he rejects it? Saddest thing. Please watch it with me. Easily in the top three.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape is perfect.
I saw the movie first, and I when I found out there was a book, I promptly got my hands on a copy. I'm one of those weird people that likes to read the book of the movie, even if I've already seen it. Also, this is really my favorite movie but why would I blog about the book and the movie? Ugh, I probably would. But not today. Anyhoo, I read this book in one day. Guys, that's a big deal for me. Heavens knows I'm a book lover, but my brain is usually incapable of such a long time with the written word. I am Gilbert Grape. Besides his awesome hair. That's really all there is to know. Unless you've read it, I really can't talk about how good it is or else you just won't understand. Take my word for it.And Addy, if you're reading this, I need my book back.

Both of these make me feel human.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try

Manifest Ultimatum: Day 10

Ways to win your heart, songs you sing in the shower, items you lust after, words/phrases that make you laugh and reasons to hate you. Five of each (at least).

Ways to Win My Heart

1. Dream big, be incredibly down to earth, and have passion for life. (Not too much to ask, right??)

2. Accept all my interests and outlets.

3. Eat food and go to the theatre with me.

4. Rub my back.

5. Sing with me and listen to all types of music.

Songs I Sing in the Shower

1. "When We Die" by Bowling For Soup

2. "Listen" by Beyonce

3. "It Takes Two" from Hairspray

4. "What a Catch, Donnie" by Fall Out Boy

5. "Smoky Mountain Memories" by Dolly Parton/David Archuleta

Items I Lust After

1. Clothing. Specifically shoes.

2. TV shows on DVD

3. James Dean memorabilia (weird, I know)

4. Sheet music

5. Cool editions of all my favorite books. Just books, I guess.

Words/Phrases That Make Me Laugh

1. "hoot and a half"

2. "stop being so FREAKin' hilarious"

3. "complete fiend"

4. "psycho"

5. *censored phrase* Ask me if you really want to know.

Reasons To Hate Me

1. I touched Kelly Clarkson's hand.

2. I'm the kid who forgets it's test day but still aces the test.

3. I eat whatever I want and don't gain a pound.

4. Future Sexiest Man Alive Winner.

5. My body doesn't really sleep. In a good way.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm not street, but I do what I gotta do
So what, you got a crew? I got a crew too
I'm not street, but I do what I gotta do

Manifesto Ultimatum: Day 9


Write a really vague post.

You keep me awake at night. In a good way.

You've got mystique. It's a really big plus because I just always want to get inside your head. And when I do, it's captivating.

You retweeted me one time, and it made my whole life.

When someone asks me who my best friend is, most of the time I say no one. But sometimes I say you. Because in the end, you are.

There was a day that I honestly thought I would marry you. Now, I'm not so sure.

I had a three day crush on you. Real life. You would laugh if you knew it was you.

When I go to California, because I will, you are coming with me. And I just realized I'm talking to more than one person.

You told me to dream big, and it's one of the most beautiful, sincere, and genuine things anyone has ever said to me.

I was mean to you. And now I'm trying to make up for it.

I know you. You know me. That's really enough. I miss you.

I don't even know what to say to you. I'll miss you when I'm gone. Also, it was me who made that awful assumption. Sorry.

I feel like we're frenemies. But we're friends right now. And I really want to keep it that way. And I wish the best for you.

The day I met you, I knew we were supposed to be friends. It was almost creepy. I knew that one day I had to be there for you. So I tried really hard to be your friend. And finally, that day came.

I could talk to you for hours. Hours. There's a part of my soul that only you understand because it's in you too.

You are one of the most down-to-earth, genuine and cool people I've ever met. I love you so much. And I love how much you love me. Let's get married.

I wish I knew the parts you left out of everything you ever said to me.

You make me laugh so hard, and I feel we would have never been friends if we didn't live so close.

I'm still waiting to find someone that knows you as well as I do, but they haven't turned up yet. So I guess I'm happy with that.

I still don't know exactly what I did to get on your bad side, but it makes me sad.

I can't put my finger on what makes me so drawn to you. But it's been like this for a while, and I don't see any end in sight.

One day, I thought about kissing you. You would die if you knew this. Sometimes I love you, other times I am completely apathetic. It all has to do with your confidence level. Sorry I'm a jerk.

I actually really like you and I want to be better friends with you.

I hate when I see hints of the hurt in your eyes from that day.

You are just good. If there was ever a person just filled with good, it's you.

That was surprisingly therapeutic.

Have a nice day.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I am the man on the side
Hoping you'll make up your mind
I am the one who will swallow his pride
Life as the man on the side

Manifesto Ultimatum: Day 8

Write something about musicals you love, something that made you cry, and something you're embarassed of.

Ok. This is definitely a hard one. Musicals? I can't write about musicals I love because I just love musicals. "It's the best life", I say to myself. Who wouldn't want to listen to, watch, and chat about Broadway all day long? It's the greatest.

Let's talk about H2$. I saw it in New York, yes with Daniel Radcliffe, and I wasn't even expecting to see or like it. Fricken' changed my life, guys. I love it so much. I must be in it before I die. As far as Golden Musical Comedies go, easily the best.

Then there's Next to Normal. Not for the faint of heart, but man, that show could bring me to tears, if I cried (which we'll chat about in a second). Sooo good. Saw it at the Pioneer and it's just...gah. Miraculous.

Dreamgirls. Someone in my family has to watch with me before I go on my mission. Beyonce? Jennifer Hudson? It could not get better. The singing will knock your socks off.

Les Mis. Enough said. Except that it comes out while I'm on my mission, which is really showing sacrifice in my case.

In the Heights. Must say, that I'm waiting to love this. Yes, I'm a total poser, only know like four songs, but I'm seeing it this Friday! So HA.

Hairspray will always be my first love. That's another I must be in before I die. I could probably watch that movie a hundred times.

Newsies is also legen...dary. There was a time during junior year when the routine went like this. 1. Come home. 2. Pee 3. Play Santa Fe on the piano and belt it out at the top of your lungs. Real Life.

I'm also very obsessed with the Johnny Depp Sweeney Todd. So good.

Promises, Promises, The Last 5 Years, Memphis, Rent, Aida, etc. Ya, I'll spare you on the rest.


Guys, I don't cry. I just feel, but no crying. Considering all the emotions my face is capable of making, even the ones I don't want it to, it's actually odd. Because I rarely cry. If I almost cry in a movie, it's almost a guaranteed favorite. The only movie I've ever cried in is Lord of the Rings Return of the King. I know. But you have to understand, LOTR was my life in fourth grade. When they sailed off to those grey shores, just couldn't handle. Life=over. Other close ones include East of Eden, Gilbert Grape and Titanic.

Something I'm embarassed of?

I don't get embarassed that easily, so it's hard for me to think of one.

And now after letting this blog sit in draft form for three days while I thought, I still can't think of anything. Maybe I should be more embarassed about some things, but I'm not.



Sorry this post was so indulgent.

Monday, September 10, 2012


“Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"”

-John Mayer

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Now they're celebrating broken things
I don't want a world of broken things
You can tell that something isn't right
When all your heroes are in black and white

What a drag to say
At least I still have yesterday

Show me something I can be
Play a song that I can sing
Make me feel as I am free
Someone come speak for me
Someone come speak for me

Manifesto Ultimatum: Day 6

I love America.

I love the people. The stubborn, the kind, the hardworking, the strong. People turn their dreams into reality here. If you're sitting around only wishing, remember that there are people out there doing the things you are wishing about. So get up and do them. That's what the American Dream is all about. Rags to riches and all that stuff.

Forget the political crap, this is a country to be proud of. Just the fact that I can blog about my opinions is amazing. I can practice whichever religion I choose, have my voice heard on issues important to me, and live without fear.

I think it would make the Founding Fathers sick to see what a bunch of entitled whiners have populated America. I think America has a lot of growing to do, but it's still in a great place. Pay some respect.

Basically, I have a strong sense of patriotism. I think that this is really lacking in our country right now. Too many people complain about what's wrong in America, when there is still so much to be grateful for.

God Bless the USA.

A people that values its privileges above it above its principles soon loses both. -Dwight D. Eisenhower

I'm gonna steer clear
I'd burn up in your atmosphere
I'm gonna steer clear
Cause I'd die if I saw you
I'd die if i didn't see you there
So i don't think I'm gonna go to LA anymore